DokuWiki Business Plugin Partner Program
Support the maintenance and development of key DokuWiki plugins through crowdfunding and benefit from the latest advancements.
Become a Partner
For those who use DokuWiki in their organization, it is almost inevitable to extend it with some plugins. Many of these plugins originate from CosmoCode, and we have contributed to many others.
While the development of a new plugin or feature often takes center stage, the maintenance and further development of existing plugins is equally important. This maintenance consumes both time and resources.
The DokuWiki Business Plugin Partner Program enables joint funding of the maintenance and further development of key DokuWiki plugins.
Here are three examples of how the partner program can improve the development and maintenance of DokuWiki plugins:
Bureaucracy Plugin
Several years ago, a new mechanism for creating forms was introduced in DokuWiki. The old mechanism was marked as deprecated and will be removed in the near future. However, plugins like the Bureaucracy Plugin still use the old mechanisms and would no longer function. The Partner Program enables the update of such plugins to use the new form mechanisms.
Data Plugin
The Data Plugin has largely been replaced by the Struct Plugin, but there is no upgrade path that allows for the migration of content and structures maintained in Data. Creating such an upgrade path can be funded through the Partner Program.
ElasticSearch Plugin
The ElasticSearch Plugin currently uses two different third-party libraries to connect to the ElasticSearch server. One of these libraries is poorly maintained and documented, making it difficult to add new features. Redesigning the plugin to use its own implementation would improve maintainability and extendability.
In addition to the three examples mentioned above, the partnership program can also include the following plugins and templates, depending on the interest of the partners:
Sprintdoc Template, Prosemirror, oAuth, oAuth-Azure, oAuth-Github, oAuth-Google, oAuth-Generic, Struct, AI Chat, SQLite, EditTable, SimpleNavi, CSV, Diagrams, Tagging, Virtualgroup, Farmer, Move, Watchcycle, TwoFactor, Encrypted Passwords, …
Your Benefits
Early Access to New Features
As a partner, you get access to plugin updates before they are made available to the general public. This means you benefit from new features and bug fixes ahead of everyone else.
We regularly inform you about the latest developments and provide insights into the planning and development of new features.
We also prioritize work within the partner program together with our partners. This allows you to give early feedback, influence development, and ensure that the plugins most important to you are prioritized accordingly.
Ongoing Maintenance and Compatibility Updates
Not only do DokuWiki and the PHP programming language evolve constantly, but users' needs also grow. New features are added to existing plugins, and their functionality expands. Often, a plugin grows beyond its original scope.
To ensure such plugins can still be easily adapted to new DokuWiki and PHP releases and easily enhanced with new features, the internal code and data structures need to be cleaned up. Such cleanup work (also known as refactoring) usually remains invisible to the end-user because it doesn't change the actual functionality.
The partner program provides us with the financial leeway needed to revisit and ensure the continued functionality of older plugins. We make sure that the plugins are compatible with the latest version of DokuWiki. And not just for the current version but also for the next version that is currently in development.
Preferred Support
Bugs and requests reported by partners on Github are given priority treatment. We guarantee that issues are reviewed, responded to, and assessed, and if necessary, scheduled for implementation. Partners also get preferred access to our support services.
The DokuWiki Business Plugin Partner Program is available exclusively for companies and costs 1496 EUR (net) per year.
Participation in the partner program can be started and ended at any time. The duration is always one year and automatically renews unless canceled.

Become a Partner
Contact us to learn more about the DokuWiki Business Plugin Partner Program and how you can become a partner. We look forward to hearing from you.