Case Study:
KVS - Vorgangssteuerung

Aufbau einer Plattform für die Digitalisierung der AIA AG Geschäftsprozesse

The KVS is a digitalization framework for the development and operation of AIA Insurance business processes. The KVS manages business processes as operations. The goal is the extensive dark processing of procedures with targeted digital customer dialogs and optimized intervention and processing steps by clerks.

The involvement of the customer plays a central role in the processes - either the customer acts as the initiator of the process or is requested to provide information. In the KVS, clerks are shown all the information they need to make a decision in order to minimize processing time.

The KVS is being successively expanded; so far, business processes have been mapped in the areas of online conclusion, product development, claims notification, premium regulation, risk information, seminar registration and customer feedback.

The KVS also has interfaces to the corporate IT (inventory management system, DMS, CRM, newsletter tool, TYPO3).

2017 - heute

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